The Rapid Growth of Online Learning: What Does That Mean For Us?

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Picture of Tom Ackerson

Tom Ackerson

LifeTech Executive Director

As the world around us has adapted their educational platform, LifeTech Academy has been charging forward as we have before. With all that we can do to keep ourselves moving forward and tracking straight, this sudden shift by hundreds of thousands of Learners globally to online learning has caused shortages of online seats, backlogs in equipment orders, and delays in the fulfillment of supplies.

LifeTech is here to help 

LifeTech ordered equipment months in advance to make sure that all Learners would be ready to Learn. LifeTech will continuously search out new platforms to reduce wait times for Learners who wish to move forward. LifeTech will be printing all requested workbooks in-house and delivering them to our families. LifeTech will provide for or reimburse families for supplies needed for classes that require supplies that have not been received, shipped, or processed by our vendors.

*Please work with your Coach to ask for assistance. Working together, we can move forward

Growth = Opportunity

LifeTech Academy expanded 67% when you and your families selected LifeTech for your child(ren)’s education. More than 135 of 180 new Learners enrolled in the month of August alone. What an amazing story that is alone! With that growth has come a welcome opportunity for us to welcome new Coaches to the LifeTech Academy family. As we welcome so many new families to the LifeTech Academy family, please welcome these new Coaches, as well. They are all working tirelessly to bring you the best experience possible. When you have questions, if they do not immediately have the answer, they will get it for you. When you have needs, if they can not fulfill it immediately, they will find the LifeTech staff member who can. I only ask that we all continue to work together to make this a positive growth for all Learners, Parents, Coaches, and Staff as possible. Together, the LifeTech Academy Community is a strong community of dedicated parents and faculty pulling together to give the best education possible to our Learners.


Our Vision: Empowering Learners for Life

Mission Statement: Providing our Learners with opportunities to make decisions for themselves

LifeTech Academy Core Values:

Possibilism: Adaptability, Flexibility, Accessibility, Making a difference

Respect: We treat everyone with respect, integrity, honesty, and dignity

Trust: We build relationships to earn the trust of others

Empowerment: We help people to learn how to make positive decisions for themselves

Commitment: We are committed to the betterment of our Learners, our strategic partners, our communities, our team, and our cause

LifeTech Academy
912 Greyhound Dr
Eaton Rapids, MI 48827
852 Elmwood Rd
Lansing, MI 48917
Call: 517-325-5469
854 Elmwood Rd
Lansing, MI 48917
2450 44th Street SE
Suite 303-A
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Call: 616-326-2200


Fax: 517-325-5468

© 2020 LifeTech Academy