The Best Online School in Michigan

Picture of Emily Charles

Emily Charles

LifeTech Academy Blogger

LifeTech Academy’s Beginning

If you were going to start a school today what would you want to be included? What is one thing you loved about your experience at school? 

Those are the questions that Phil and Angie Zeller asked countless people when they were creating LifeTech Academy. The Zellers asked anyone they could and the answers they got proved to be surprising. Not once did the answer tie back to academics. Not one person said it was a favorite class or something they learned. So you’re probably thinking… what did it come down to? What do people think is most important part of school? It always came down to one thing – relationships.

People remembered the teachers that went above and beyond to help them. The administrator that was there for them when they really needed someone. The friends they had and the fun times they shared at social events. The Zellers asked these questions for years and the answers were always about social activities or people that left an impression.

If the relationships that are formed in school stand out the most to students, then why isn’t there more focus on that? Our educators are taught how to teach but they aren’t coached on how to relate to their students. 

That is where Phil and Angie decided their school would be different. The focus wouldn’t just be on academics and providing students with an outstanding curriculum, but on the learner as a whole. They created LifeTech Academy, a completely free online, public charter school, and set out to create a learning environment where students feel supported, safe, and motivated to learn. 

The Life of a Learner

It is important that students have a place to learn where they feel safe and accepted. A place where they get all the support and resources needed to ensure that they can get the most out of their education. The Learners at LifeTech Academy have a distinct advantage. A team dedicated to helping them navigate their educational journey. Each Learner has a Learning Coach, (what we call our certified teachers) and an academic coach, to help support, set and successfully meet goals. Learners work with their coaches to create a personalized learning path that offers opportunity for leadership development and personal growth.

Learn more.


Our Vision: Empowering Learners for Life

Mission Statement: Providing our Learners with opportunities to make decisions for themselves

LifeTech Academy Core Values:

Possibilism: Adaptability, Flexibility, Accessibility, Making a difference

Respect: We treat everyone with respect, integrity, honesty, and dignity

Trust: We build relationships to earn the trust of others

Empowerment: We help people to learn how to make positive decisions for themselves

Commitment: We are committed to the betterment of our Learners, our strategic partners, our communities, our team, and our cause

LifeTech Academy
912 Greyhound Dr
Eaton Rapids, MI 48827
852 Elmwood Rd
Lansing, MI 48917
Call: 517-325-5469
854 Elmwood Rd
Lansing, MI 48917
2450 44th Street SE
Suite 303-A
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Call: 616-326-2200


Fax: 517-325-5468

© 2020 LifeTech Academy