What virtual clubs can I be a part of?

Picture of Shawn Watkins

Shawn Watkins

Instructional and Cultural Director

Would you like to connect with others at LifeTech? Find a club or hangout you will enjoy today! 


Clubs at LifeTech are sponsored by the amazing staff and designed to increase social interaction between our online students. For now, all clubs and activities will meet online in Zoom sessions and be housed in Google Classroom. Each club has a unique purpose and expectations. Here is the list of what we currently offer for the 2020-2021 school year. 

NEW! Art Club (Everyone)–Shawn/SGA:

Calling all Artists and Creatives. If you like to draw/ paint/ sculpt/ sketch/ Etc., we are also starting an Art Club where artists can be social and challenge each other to be more creative. Also, there will be a monthly Art Challenge. We also want to showcase your art. We will refresh the part in my monthly exhibit. Send a clear scan or a picture with good lighting of your art to Shawn swatkins@lifetechacademy.org. And we will let you know if your art was selected for the month exhibit. Due Date by the first of every month.

When: every other Tuesday at 3 p.m.

First Meeting: March 3, 2021

Expectations: Be willing to share your ideas and projects. Be constructive with your criticism and ideas. Be willing to participate in monthly challenges to expand your artistic horizons.

For more questions/information, please contact Shawn at swatkins@lifetechacademy.org.

Chess Club (Everyone)–Will:

Chessmasters and future Chessmasters! If you are interested in learning the basics of chess, getting access to online chess lessons, puzzles, and games, and competing in weekly chess tournaments, this is the club for you! If you decide to join you will get access to www.chesskid.com. This site is overflowing with lessons, puzzles and more. You play against the computer at different difficulty levels, other kids, your chess club leader (Will) and participate in weekly fast chess tournaments. Anyone that wants to can join the club, come to meetings, watch the videos, and play slow chess games. If you want the full gold member ChessKid experiences there will be a few expectations. 

When: Every Friday @1 p.m. Weekly Fast Chess Tournament @ 1:30 p.m. on www.chesskid.com.

Gold Member Expectations: Access and use the chesskid.com website for chess lessons or slow chess weekly. Participate in at least 2 fast chess tournaments a month.

LifeTech will pay for your gold membership. If you aren’t an active user that’s ok, we just might save the gold membership for someone else until you can use it!

For more questions/information, please contact Will at wgreen@lifetechacademy.org.

Dance Club (Everyone)—Chelsea:

Do you love to dance like I do? If you are interested in learning the basics of a lot of different dance styles and this is the club for you. This year we will be learning the basics of dance and rhythm and movement and one or 2 new dances each month. We will learn a little choreography for each dance style so we can dance together. Currently we have had just elementary interest. If that grows I will have another Monday for 6-12.

When: Last Monday at 3 p.m. (30 min).

Expectation: Learners will have space clear for dancing.  Learners will come ready to try new dance moves.  Learners can contribute ideas of what they want to learn and can share their own moves. 

For more questions/information, please contact Chelsea at chelsea@lifetechacademy.org.

D&D (Role-Playing) Club (6-12)–Stephanie

Welcome to the LTA Dungeons & Dragons Club! 

Here, the possibilities are endless. Help us create a world that is completely our own; a world where we can be whatever we want to be and do amazing and wild things! 

When: Every Friday at 3 p.m.

Expectations: Come willing to participate. Commit to being at the adventure every week (consistent character attendance). Willing to socialize and have fun. Some materials may be needed for this club (TBA)

For more questions/information, please contact Stephanie at sneff@lifetechacademy.org.

NEW! Dale Carnegie Club (8-12, Dale Carnegie Graduates/Currently Enrolled)–Alyssa

Calling all current Dale Carnegie Learners and past graduates! The Dale Carnegie Club is a place to make friends, find positivity, have fun, play games, and support each other! We make so many friends in our Dale Carnegie classes, and the friendships don’t have to end there. Join us each month to stay connected with your classmates and to have an enthusiastically fun time! This club is created by and for Learners, so if you have an idea of what you would like to see this group look like… join us! 

When:  First Tuesday of every month 3 p.m.

First Meeting: March 2, 2021

Expectation: Learners will practice Dale Carnegie principles in having fun and building friendships! Learners will have the opportunity to have a leadership role in this club, if they so choose to generate activities for their schoolmates. Learners will have a safe space to relieve stress, build confidence, and be themselves! Just show up and enjoy! 

For more questions/information, please contact Alyssa at alyssa.bellinger@michigan.dalecarnegie.com.

Elementary Learning Activities (K-5)–Chelsea

Do you want your k-2 learner to meet other kids their age at LifeTech?  If you are interested in extra learning experiences and some social time then you want your learner to try out the Elementary Activity. Students will learn how to draw, do some science experiments, have fun dancing during breaks and much more.  

When:  Tuesdays from 9am (Grades K-2) and Thursdays from 9am (grades 3-5).

Expectation: Learners will be logged into their LifeTech email and google classroom k-2 or 3-5 Elementary activity and join on zoom. Learners will be ready to learn and get more comfortable using their Chromebooks. Learners will move and get to know other LifeTech Learners their age and have a paper and pencil ready.

For more questions/information, please contact Chelsea at chelsea@lifetechacademy.org

NEW! Gaming Club (6-12)–Sandy

Do you want to build the world of your dreams in Minecraft? Would you prefer to drop in Pleasant Park or Salty Towers? This is the kind of fun we’ll be having in the Gaming Club. The best part is we’ll be doing it with other Lifetech Learners! The group will be student-led and have the opportunity to play other online games as long as you can all connect with each other on your devices. If you’re unsure how or if you can connect, come to the first meeting and try it out!

When: Every other Friday, 6-8pm

Expectations: All learners will need to provide their own device to play on (ie. Switch, iPad, Xbox, etc). Games and learner behavior/language will be appropriate for a school activity. Be open to meeting other kids and having fun!

For more questions/information, please contact Sandy at skoczara@lifetechacademy.org.

History’s Mysteries/Historical Investigations (6-12)—Tarl

What happened to the “Lost Colony” of Roanoke? What might have possessed the citizens of Salem, Massachusetts to launch their witch hunt? Who really kidnapped the Lindburgh baby? There are so many mysteries in history. If you are interested in exploring them, join History’s Mysteries. We will take on the role of historical detectives, look for clues in the evidence left behind and do our best to come up with answers. 3

When: Every Tuesday at Noon.


Learners will explore various mysterious historical events and engage in discussion about prevailing historical interpretations. Learners will use primary and secondary sources as evidence to create interpretive narratives about mysterious historical events. Learners may be asked to present their historical narratives and evidence to the group. Learners can expect extra credit in their social studies courses for full and meaningful participation. 

For more questions/information, please contact Tarl at tchapman@lifetechacademy.org.

Math Club (6-12)—Marley

It’s time to math! If you like Math or want to improve your skills, this is the club for you! We will be looking at the Mathcounts activities for grades 6-8 (and you H.S. can join in too). It’s great fun for all ability groups. Not sure you’d be any good? Well we help each other with math skills you don’t know. We will learn and work together on math games to maintain and improve skills as well build problem solving skills.

When: Every other Monday at 1pm

Expectation: Learners will come prepared to challenge their math abilities and explain their thinking. Learners must have a learning/open mind to encourage and enhance their learning.

For more questions/information, please contact Marley at mknakal@lifetechacademy.org.

NEW! Music Listening/Performance Club (6-12)–Shawn

Do you love listening or performing music? Then this is the place for you. Come and experience people’s favorite music in a non-judgmental environment. Stream or perform music and discuss it together with people who just love music. 

When: Every other Wednesdays 3pm

First Meeting: March 4, 2021

Expectations: Learners will share school appropriate music. Learners will listen give different kinds of music a chance. Learners will be willing to discuss the music in a civil manner

For more questions/information, please contact Shawn at swatkins@lifetechacademy.org.

National Honors Society (Academic Requirements 11-12 Grades)—Jessica

Celebrate your success by joining the National Honor Society. This is a group for highly motivated, driven and academically focused learners. It is much more than an honor roll. National Honor Society serves to motivate learners, support student success, engage in service projects, foster leadership and student character. National Honor Society was founded in 1921 and is recognized as a springboard for lifelong success. There are many scholarships and awards available for members.  Inductions occur once per year in January. This is an invitation only group based on grades, character, and willingness to do service. Students must be recommended by their Learning or Academic Coach to apply to join. When you are invited to the group, you will receive  Google Classroom code.

When: First Friday of each month at 10 a.m.

Expectation: Students in National Honor Society must participate in regular chapter meetings, scholarship, service, and leadership and character development. Learners must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0. Learners must be actively participating in all classes and Coaching Sessions

For more questions/information, please contact Jessica at jhamespenner@lifetechacademy.org.

NEW! Social Meet Ups (Everyone)–Shannon

Hi all! Come on over and hang out with your fellow LifeTech classmates! There are different days/times for different age groups. These times are here for you to connect with others if you need a break from school work and just wanna meet other people. If you don’t see one for your age group and wanna hang out let me know and I’ll add it!

MeetUp For:  2nd & 3rd Grades every Tuesday @ 11:30

MeetUp For:  6th – 8th Grades every Wednesday @ 3:30

MeetUp For:  9th – 12th Grades every Thursday @ 12:00 & 2:30 and every Friday @ 12:00 & 2:00

Expectation: Learners will be able to share, talk, learn new skills and have fun with each other.

For more questions/information, please contact Shannon at snason@lifetechacademy.org.

Spanish Club (9-12)—Eva

Welcome to the Spanish Club! In our club we will meet every other week to practice our Spanish and learn about different cultures through crafts, recipes, story telling, and trivia. I’m looking forward to meeting with you all! 

When: Every other Friday at 2 p.m.

Expectation: Come prepared to learn, share experiences with others and test your Spanish skills!

For more questions/information, please contact Eva at eascencio@lifetechacademy.org.

NEW! Story Time (K-2)–Nancy

Start your school week with a story! Curl up with your zoom device and listen to a great, age-appropriate story, read to you live. Every Monday morning we will read and talk about a classic children’s book, some from years ago, others from today.

Who: Learners in grades K-2

When: Mondays, 9:30 a.m.


A parent or other adult will be present to reinforce listening and attention skills, Children will learn to listen and contribute to a group activity. Children will become acquainted with other LifeTech Learners in their age group. We will have fun!

For more questions/information, please contact Nancy at nancy@lifetechacademy.org.

Student Government Association (5-12)—Shawn

SGA is a student led organization dedicated to social, organizational activities, representation and academic support of the members. Student government is a group of students that are responsible for governing student interests, advocating for student concerns, providing support and recognition for learners at LifeTech. SGA serves students by hosting activities and events that enhance student life. Student government also works as a representative body through which students can voice their concerns and interests. This is a safe place for students to advocate for themselves and their fellow students. We are working together to make our school and community the best it can be. 

When: Every other Tuesday 3 p.m.

Expectation: Learners must attend bi-weekly meetings and participate in SGA activities and be willing to brainstorm ideas to make LifeTech a better place and be willing to take on projects and see them through to completion

For more questions/information, please contact Shawn at swatkins@lifetechacademy.org.


Our Vision: Empowering Learners for Life

Mission Statement: Providing our Learners with opportunities to make decisions for themselves

LifeTech Academy Core Values:

Possibilism: Adaptability, Flexibility, Accessibility, Making a difference

Respect: We treat everyone with respect, integrity, honesty, and dignity

Trust: We build relationships to earn the trust of others

Empowerment: We help people to learn how to make positive decisions for themselves

Commitment: We are committed to the betterment of our Learners, our strategic partners, our communities, our team, and our cause

LifeTech Academy
912 Greyhound Dr
Eaton Rapids, MI 48827
852 Elmwood Rd
Lansing, MI 48917
Call: 517-325-5469
854 Elmwood Rd
Lansing, MI 48917
2450 44th Street SE
Suite 303-A
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Call: 616-326-2200

Email: info@lifetechacademy.org

Fax: 517-325-5468

© 2020 LifeTech Academy